How does it work?
I was struck by the fact at the beginning I was in a room full of strangers, but the group was wonderfully present and respectful
During a Pesso Boyden day, we will normally start with a short introduction, and a check in for everyone. There will be 3 to 4 structures (client session) and a check out at the end of the day.
People volunteer for the structures, and if more than one people want to have a go at being ‘the client’, then we pick the names from a hat. Even though only three or four people are ‘the client’, everybody benefits during the day. During the workshop days participants will have the opportunity to observe and participate in other people’s work. This can be as powerful as having a structure yourself, as you can piggyback on someone else’s experience and benefit from new and transformational insights.
For people who attend regularly attend a series of workshops, there are a set number of guaranteed structure sessions for those group members.